Press Articles
April 2013 ahj 1 (2.53 Mo) Pages 9 and 10. article written in English by Anne-Laurence Fritsch on the beneficial effects of Ericksonian Hypnosis for the professional Mag of the Australian Association of Hypnotherapists.
Sydney conference letter of thanks (141.08 Ko) lfor Anne-Laurence's contribution in the international hypnotherapy conférence in Sydney, Australia
Certificat d appreciation aha conference 2014 (274.36 Ko)
Summer2011members 2 (1.34 Mo) Page 4, 5 and 13. Interview on Ericksonian hypnosis written for the professional Mag of the International Association of Counselling Hypnotherapists, Vancouver, Canada
NB: For those who can understand French you'll find more articles (written in French) in the French version of this website
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